The Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin (Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie)
ISSN 1733-8670 (Printed) ISSN 2392-0378 (Online)
are indexed in the following databases:
- ARIANTA - scientific and branch Polish on-line magazines
- Baidu Scholar - scientific sources search engine
- BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
- BazTech - database containing Polish technical journals
- CEON - Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science)
- CiteFactor - Academic Scientific Journals
- Czasopisma punktowane - List of Polish Ministry of Science (MNiSW)
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- EBSCOhost - Academic Search Complete database
- Web of Science ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index in Web of Science™ Core Collection
- GIGA Information Centre - Electronic Journals Library
- GIF - Global Impact Factor
- Google Scholar - World Wide Science
- - a compendium of scientific journals
- Index Copernicus International - a specialised platform to promote scientific achievements
- InfoBase Index - comprehensive, multipurpose database covering scholarly literature from all over the world
- INFO NA - Scientific Communication Portal
- nukat - Polish scientific libraries resources
- OCLC WorldCat® - scientific sources database
- PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (Polish Scientific References)
- POL-index - Polska Baza Cytowań (Polish Citation Database)
- ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- SJIFactor - Scientific Journal Impact Factor

Index Copernicus ICV 2013 = 6.16
Index Copernicus ICV 2014 = 79.38, normalised value: 7.56
Index Copernicus ICV 2015 = 87.49
InfoBase Index IBI Factor 2015 (pos. 492) = 3.73
MNiSW list in 2014 (database B, pos. 2475): 5 points
MNiSW list in 2015 (database B, pos. 2105): 8 points